Three Jamaican Authors and a deathly queen

Feb 13, 2020 b.c. (before corona) At National Library of Jamaica For weeks we have been holed up in our homes hiding from the queen whose corona made of fatty substances clings to every surface she can find in a bid to make our lives unbearable and filled with grief. Many of us are glued to screens depressing ourselves with nonstop news, catching up on movies we've missed, discovering new television shows and playing games we never thought we'd play just to beat the boredom. But, some of us are reading. I have always been a reader and on every trip to Jamaica I make it a point of my duty to visit my favorite bookstore, Bookophilia (Kingston) to see what new and exciting Caribbean, mainly Jamaican, books have hit the shelf. I seek them out like digging for lobsters! Intriguing titles, creative covers and of course, authors whose work I have loved before, beckon me to to buy. And, that brings me to my required reading while on quarantine. Chicken Back G...